【충북 브레이크뉴스】임창용 기자=충북도는 농촌 주거환경 개선 및 도시민 농촌유입 촉진을 위한 농촌주택개량사업(‘24년도 도내 사업물량은 332동)을 추진한다고 8일 밝혔다.
농촌주택개량사업은 농촌의 주택 개량‧신축에 소요되는 비용을 시중보다 낮은 2% 고정금리(청년 1.5%) 또는 변동금리로 융자 지원하는 사업으로 신축은 최대 2억 5천만원, 증축‧대수선은 1억 5천만원 이내로 대출받을 수 있다. 단 사업신청자의 신용등급, 담보능력 등에 따라 대출한도는 달라질 수 있다.
사업대상자는 농촌지역 본인 소유의 노후·불량주택을 개량하고자 하는 농촌주민, 귀농‧귀촌인, 내‧외국인 근로자 복지를 위해 주택을 제공하고자 하는 농업인 및 법인 등이다.
신청 조건은 연면적(주택+부속건축물) 150㎡이하의 단독주택을 신축, 증축, 대수선하는 경우 신청가능하며, 특히 연면적(주택+부속건축물) 150㎡이하 단독주택을 건축할 경우, 280만원 한도내에서 취득세를 감면받을 수 있다.
사업 희망자는 사업을 추진하고자 하는 시‧군에 문의하거나 관할 읍면동사무소에 방문해서 신청하면 된다.
충북도 박병현 건축문화과장은 “고금리 상황에서 도시민 농촌유입 및 농촌의 주거환경을 위해 많은분들이 사업에 참여할 수 있도록 홍보에 만전을 기할 계획”이라고 밝혔다.
The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.)
Chungcheongbuk-do Promotes ‘24 Rural Housing Improvement Project to Improve Rural Residential Environment
Up to 250 million won for new construction, 2% interest rate within 150 million won for expansion and major repairs
-im changyong reporter
Chungcheongbuk-do announced on the 8th that it will promote a rural housing improvement project (332 buildings in the province in 2024) to improve rural residential environments and promote the inflow of urban residents into rural areas.
The rural housing improvement project is a project that provides loans for the cost of improving and building new houses in rural areas at a fixed interest rate of 2% (1.5% for youth) or a variable interest rate, which is lower than the market rate. Up to KRW 250 million for new construction and up to KRW 250 million for expansion and major repairs. You can get a loan of up to 150 million won. However, the loan limit may vary depending on the credit rating and collateral capacity of the business applicant.
Project targets include rural residents who wish to improve their own old or defective houses in rural areas, people who have returned to farming or returned to the village, and farmers and corporations who wish to provide housing for the welfare of domestic and foreign workers.
The application conditions are: You can apply for new construction, expansion, or major repairs of a single-family home with a total floor area (house + annexed buildings) of 150 m2 or less. In particular, when constructing a single-family home with a total floor area (house + annexed buildings) of 150 m2 or less, the limit is KRW 2.8 million. You can receive a reduction in acquisition tax within the scope.
Those wishing to do business can inquire with the city/county where they wish to pursue the business or visit the local town/village/dong office to apply.
Park Byeong-hyun, head of the Chungcheongbuk-do Architectural Culture Department, said, “We plan to do our best to promote the project so that many people can participate in the project in order to attract urban residents to rural areas and improve the residential environment in rural areas in a situation of high interest rates.”