【충북 브레이크뉴스】김봉수 기자=증평군청소년지원센터 꿈드림(센터장 윤은미)은 13일부터 19일까지 2024년 제1회 검정고시 원서작성 접수를 지원한다.
검정고시 접수 희망자는 신분증(여권, 청소년증, 주민등록증 등), 최종학력증명서(정원외 관리증명서, 제적증명서, 과목합격증명서, 검정고시용 졸업증명서 등)1부, 여권사진 2매를 지참해 꿈드림센터를 방문하면 된다.
또한 지난 1일부터 검정고시 대비 학습지원을 위해 검정고시 교재 및 인터넷 강의를 통한 가정학습지원을 포함해 스마트 멘토교실도 운영하고 있다.
증평군꿈드림센터는 학교 밖 청소년들이 개별적 상황을 고려해 상담, 검정고시, 건강검진, 동행카드 지원, 직업체험 및 취업, 자기계발 등을 통해 성공적인 학업복귀 및 사회진입을 돕고 있다.
윤은미 센터장은 “학교 밖 청소년들에게 지역 내에 많은 관심을 보여주시고 있기에 지금의 청소년들이 개인별 특성에 맞는 맞춤형 학습지원을 위해 함께 노력하고 있다”며, “앞으로도 학교 밖 청소년들이 검정고시에 마음 편히 응시할 수 있도록 적극적으로 돕겠다”고 말했다.
학교 밖 청소년에 대해 궁금한 사항은 전화 또는 증평군청소년지원센터누리집에서 확인하면 된다.
The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.)
Jeungpyeong-gun Youth Counseling and Welfare Center Dream Dream, support for filling out application form for the 1st qualification examination
Supporting out-of-school youth’s successful return to school
-bongsu kim reporter
Jeungpyeong-gun Youth Support Center Dream (Center Director Eunmi Yoon) will support applications for the 1st qualification examination in 2024 from the 13th to the 19th.
Those wishing to apply for the qualification examination must bring an ID card (passport, youth ID card, resident registration card, etc.), one copy of the highest academic background certificate (certificate of management outside the quota, certificate of expulsion, certificate of passing the subject, graduation certificate for the qualification examination, etc.), and two passport photos. Just visit the center.
In addition, since the 1st, we have been operating a smart mentor class, including home study support through qualification examination textbooks and online lectures, to support learning in preparation for the qualification examination.
Jeungpyeong-gun Dream Center helps out-of-school youth successfully return to school and enter society through counseling, qualification exams, health checkups, companion card support, job experience and employment, and self-development, taking into account their individual circumstances.
Center Director Eunmi Yoon said, “We are showing a lot of interest in out-of-school youth in the region, so we are working together to provide customized learning support tailored to the individual characteristics of today’s youth.” She added, “We hope that in the future, out-of-school youth can comfortably take the qualification exam. “I will actively help,” he said.
If you have any questions about out-of-school youth, please call or visit the Jeungpyeong-gun Youth Support Center website.