【충북 브레이크뉴스】임창용 기자=괴산증평교육지원청(교육장 안순자) 교직원들은 지난 8일, 설 명절을 앞두고 괴산전통시장 및 읍내 상가 등을 방문하여 장보기 행사 및 민원-청렴 캠페인을 실시했다.
교육지원청 전 교직원이 직접 시장과 상가를 방문하여 온누리상품권 및 재래시장상품권으로 제수용품, 각종 과일 등을 구매했다.
또한 장보기 도중 ‘친절민원 캠페인’과 ‘청렴실천 캠페인’을 진행하며 실천하는 청렴의 중요성과 각종 민원 발급 및 이용 방법에 대하여 지역주민 및 상인들에게 안내했다.
한편 증평교육지원센터는 6일에 증평장뜰시장에서 동일하게 장보기 및 캠페인을 실시했다.
괴산증평교육지원청은 매해 설, 추석마다 지역의 전통시장 장보기 행사를 통하여 지역경제 활성화와 전통시장 살리기를 위하여 노력하고 있다.
The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.)
Goesan Jeungpyeong Office of Education holds a shopping event to revitalize the local economy in celebration of the Lunar New Year
Simultaneous civil complaints and integrity campaigns
-im changyong reporter
On the 8th, faculty members from Goesan Jeungpyeong Office of Education (Director Ahn Soon-ja) visited Goesan Traditional Market and downtown shopping malls ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday and conducted a shopping event and a civil complaint-integrity campaign.
All faculty and staff from the Office of Education visited markets and shopping malls and purchased ritual supplies and various fruits using Onnuri gift certificates and traditional market gift certificates.
In addition, while shopping, the ‘Kindness Complaint Campaign’ and ‘Integrity Practice Campaign’ were held to inform local residents and merchants about the importance of integrity and how to issue and use various complaints.
Meanwhile, Jeungpyeong Education Support Center conducted the same grocery shopping and campaign at Jeungpyeong Jangtteul Market on the 6th.
Goesan Jeungpyeong Office of Education strives to revitalize the local economy and revitalize traditional markets through local traditional market shopping events every Lunar New Year and Chuseok.