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충주시, 농축산부 ‘24년 공공형 외국인 계절근로 공모 선정
기사입력  2024/02/08 [11:05]   임창용 기자


【충북 브레이크뉴스】임창용 기자=충주시는 농림축산식품부에서 주관하는 ‘2024년 공공형 외국인 계절근로’ 공모 선정에 따른 사업비 1억 원과 농협에서 5천만 원을 추가로 투입해 총 1억5천만 원을 확보했다고 밝혔다.


공공형 계절근로사업은 충주시가 선정한 북충주농협이 운영 주체가 돼 외국인 계절근로자 30명을 5월부터 5개월간 고용하여 단기 근로 인력이 필요한 농가에 노동력을 제공하고, 농가는 이용료를 농협에 지급방식으로 운영한다.


시는 외국인 계절근로의 원활한 추진을 위해 2022년부터 라오스, 캄보디아 등과 업무협약 체결했으며, 공공형 계절근로 운영 주체를 북충주농협으로 정해 농림축산식품부에 공모사업을 신청한 바 있다.


특히, 지난해 농가형 외국인 계절근로자 90명과 관내 결혼이민자 초청 가족 39명 등 총 129명을 유치했으며, 올해는 농가형 외국인 계절근로자 174명, 공공형 외국인 계절근로자 30명, 관내 결혼이민자 가족 초청 96명 등 총 300명 유치하여 농업인에게 농촌인력지원을 추진할 계획이다.


시 관계자는 “공공형 외국인 계절근로사업 추진으로 앙성면 복숭아재배 농가의 일손부족 문제 해결과 농촌활력 증진, 농촌인력 인건비 상승 억제 등의 효과가 발생할 것으로 기대한다”며 “올해 농가형, 공공형 외국인 계절근로, 충북형 도시농부, 농촌인력 중개센터 등 관계기관 및 운영단체와 지속적 협력체계를 강화해 농촌의 인력부족 문제 해소를 위해 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.


The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.) 


Chungju City, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs selected for the 24-year public foreign seasonal worker contest

-im changyong reporter


Chungju City announced that it had secured a total of 150 million won by investing 100 million won in project expenses through the selection of the ‘2024 Public Foreign Seasonal Worker’ contest hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and an additional 50 million won from Nonghyup.


The public seasonal work project is operated by the North Chungju Agricultural Cooperative, selected by Chungju City, and hires 30 foreign seasonal workers for 5 months starting in May to provide labor to farms in need of short-term workers, and the farms pay usage fees to the Agricultural Cooperative. It is operated as


In order to smoothly promote foreign seasonal work, the city has signed business agreements with Laos and Cambodia starting in 2022, and has designated the North Chungju Agricultural Cooperative as the operator of public seasonal work and applied for a public offering project to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.


In particular, last year, we attracted a total of 129 people, including 90 farm-type foreign seasonal workers and 39 family members of married immigrants in the region, and this year, 174 farm-type foreign seasonal workers, 30 public-type foreign seasonal workers, and 96 invited family members of marriage immigrants in the region. We plan to attract a total of 300 people and promote rural manpower support to farmers.


A city official said, “We expect that the promotion of the public foreign seasonal work project will have effects such as resolving the labor shortage problem of peach farms in Angseong-myeon, improving rural vitality, and suppressing the increase in labor costs for rural workers.” He added, “This year’s farm-type and public foreigner season “We will do our best to resolve the problem of manpower shortage in rural areas by strengthening the continuous cooperation system with related organizations and operating organizations such as labor, Chungcheongbuk-type urban farmers, and rural human resources brokerage centers,” he said.


ⓒ 충북 브레이크뉴스. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 트위터 페이스북 페이스북 카카오톡 카카오톡
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[영상]충주시, 2024년 충주씨 농
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