【충북 브레이크뉴스】임창용 기자=청주시 주민자치위원장협의회(협의회장 정무신)는 8일 청주시청 임시청사 대회의실에서 제5·6기 협의회장 이·취임식을 개최했다.
이날 행사에는 이범석 청주시장, 김병국 시의장, 청주시 각 읍면동 주민자치위원장 등 50여 명이 참석했다.
행사는 감사패 및 공로패 수여, 이·취임사, 축사 순으로 진행됐다.
정무신 협의회장은 제5기 협의회 임원진에게 감사패를 전달했으며, 이범석 청주시장 또한 주민자치위원회 운영 및 주민자치 활성화에 기여한 노고에 대해 제5기 주민자치위원장 퇴임자 29명에게 공로패를 수여했다.
조병식 전임 협의회장은 이임사에서 “주민자치위원장님들의 적극적인 도움으로 5기를 잘 마무리할 수 있었다”며, “정무신 협의회장님께서 6기 협의회를 잘 이끄셔서 우리 시 주민자치가 더 발전하기를 기대한다”고 응원을 보냈다.
정무신 협의회장은 취임사를 통해 “그간 청주시 주민자치 발전을 위해 노력하신 조병식 전 협의회장님과 임원진, 퇴임 위원장님들께 감사드린다”며, “사명감을 갖고 소통·화합하는 주민자치 실현을 위해 43개 읍면동 위원장님들과 함께 열심히 노력하겠다”고 말했다.
한편, 제6기 청주시 주민자치위원장협의회는 각 읍면동 주민자치위원장 43명으로 구성됐으며, 주민자치센터 운영 활성화와 주민자치 발전을 위한 각종 사업을 추진한다. 임기는 2025년 12월 31일까지 2년이다.
(아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.)
Cheongju City Residents' Autonomy Chairmen's Association Chairman's Inauguration Ceremony Held
Jeong Moo-shin, Chairman of Geumcheon-dong Residents’ Autonomy Committee, was inaugurated as the 6th Chairman of the Council
-im changyong reporter
The Cheongju City Residents' Autonomy Chairmen's Council (Chairman Jeong Moo-shin) held the 5th and 6th council chairperson transfer and inauguration ceremonies in the conference room of the temporary building of Cheongju City Hall on the 8th.
About 50 people attended the event, including Cheongju Mayor Lee Beom-seok, City Chairman Kim Byeong-guk, and Cheongju City residents' autonomy committee chairs.
The event proceeded in the following order: award of appreciation and merit plaques, inauguration and inauguration speeches, and congratulatory remarks.
Council Chairman Jeong Moo-shin presented a plaque of appreciation to the 5th Council executives, and Cheongju Mayor Lee Beom-seok also awarded a plaque of merit to 29 retired residents of the 5th Council for their efforts in operating the Resident Autonomy Committee and revitalizing resident autonomy.
In his remark, former council president Cho Byeong-sik said, “We were able to successfully finish the 5th term with the active help of the residents’ autonomy committee chairs,” and “I hope that our city’s resident autonomy will further develop as Council Chairman Jeong Moo-shin leads the 6th council well.” And sent cheers.
In his inauguration speech, Council Chairman Jeong Moo-shin said, “I would like to thank former Council Chairman Cho Byeong-sik, executives, and retired chairpersons for their efforts to develop resident autonomy in Cheongju City.” He also added, “To realize resident autonomy through communication and harmony with a sense of mission, the chairpersons of 43 towns, villages, and wards will be appointed. “I will work hard together with you,” he said.
Meanwhile, the 6th Cheongju City Resident Autonomy Chairmen's Council is comprised of 43 residents' Autonomy Chairpersons from each town, village, and ward, and promotes various projects to revitalize the operation of resident autonomy centers and develop resident autonomy. The term of office is two years until December 31, 2025.