【충북 브레이크뉴스】임창용 기자=정부는 12월 28일 한국가스안전공사 제18대 신임 사장으로 박경국(65, 사진) 前 안전행정부 제1차관을 임명했다.
박경국 신임 사장은 지방행정과 중앙행정을 두루 경험한 현장 행정 전문가로서 충청북도 최연소 단양군수, 경제통상국장, 내무국장, 기획관리실장, 행정부지사 등을 역임하였으며, 중앙부처에서는 대통령소속 지역발전위원회 지역협력국장, 국가기록원장, 안전행정부 제1차관을 거쳐 국무총리소속 사행산업통합감독위원장으로 공직생활을 마무리하였다.
공직생활 이후에는 충북대학교 석좌교수, 강동대학교 초빙교수로 활동하였으며, 대통령소속 지방자치발전위원회 지방분권분과 위원장과 지방행정의 달인 심사위원장, 2016 ICA 서울총회 자문위원장을 맡는 등 다양한 활동을 해 왔다. 최근에는 안전문화 확산과 건전한 사회환경 조성을 위해 한국안전리더스포럼 수석회장으로 활동해 왔다.
정부 관계자는 “신임사장이 중앙부처와 지자체에서 공공 및 안전 정책업무를 30년 이상 수행한 만큼, 국가 가스안전 책임기관인 공사의 기관장으로 최적임자라 판단되어 임명하였다”고 밝혔다.
박경국 신임 사장의 임기는 2023년 12월 29일부터 2026년 12월 28일까지 3년이며, 취임식은 1월 2일 충북혁신도시 소재 본사 대강당에서 개최될 예정이다.
<박경국 사장 프로필>
1958년 충북 보은 출생
충북대학교 및 동 대학원 졸업(행정학박사)
□ 주요 경력
제24회 행정고시 합격
충청북도 단양군수, 충청북도 민방위재난관리국장, 농정국장, 경제통상국장, 내무국장, 기획관리실장
대통령소속 지역발전위원회 지역협력국장
행정안전부 기업협력지원관
충청북도 행정부지사
국가기록원 원장
안전행정부 제1차관(장관 권한대행)
국무총리소속 사행산업통합감독위원회 위원장
대통령소속 지방자치발전위원회 위원(지방분권분과위원장)
2016 ICA 서울총회 자문위원장
행정안전부 지방행정의 달인 심사위원장
현) 한국안전리더스포럼 수석회장
□ 특기사항 (상훈 등)
1998. 12월 녹조근정훈장
2015. 6월 황조근정훈장
(아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.)
Korea Gas Safety Corporation appoints new president Park Gyeong-guk, former Vice Minister of Safety and Administration
Worked as an expert in public and safety policy for 36 years
-im changyong reporter
On December 28, the government appointed Park Kyung-guk (65, photo), former First Vice Minister of Security and Public Administration, as the 18th new president of Korea Gas Safety Corporation.
The new president, Park Gyeong-guk, is an on-site administrative expert with extensive experience in local and central administration. He served as the youngest mayor of Danyang County in North Chungcheong Province, director of the Economic and Trade Bureau, director of the Department of Home Affairs, director of the Planning and Management Office, and administrative governor. In central ministries, he served as director of the Regional Cooperation Bureau of the Presidential Regional Development Committee. He served as Director of the National Archives of Korea, First Vice Minister of Security and Public Administration, and ended his public service as Chairman of the Gambling Industry Integrated Supervision Committee under the Prime Minister.
After his public service, he served as a professor at Chungbuk National University and a visiting professor at Gangdong University, and has engaged in various activities such as serving as chairman of the local decentralization subcommittee of the President's Local Autonomy Development Committee, chairman of the local administration master screening committee, and advisory chairman of the 2016 ICA Seoul General Assembly. He has recently served as the senior chairman of the Korea Safety Leaders Forum to spread safety culture and create a healthy social environment.
A government official said, “As the new president has carried out public and safety policy work in central ministries and local governments for more than 30 years, he was judged to be the best person to head the corporation, the national gas safety responsible agency, and was appointed.”
The new President Park Kyung-guk's term of office is three years, from December 29, 2023 to December 28, 2026, and his inauguration ceremony will be held on January 2 at the main auditorium of the headquarters in Innovation City, North Chungcheong Province.
<Profile of President Park Gyeong-guk>
Born in Boeun, Chungcheongbuk-do in 1958
Graduated from Chungbuk National University and its graduate school (Doctor of Public Administration)
□ Major career experience
Passed the 24th Public Administration Exam
Governor of Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Director of the Civil Defense and Disaster Management Bureau of Chungcheongbuk-do, Director of the Agricultural Administration Bureau, Director of the Economic and Trade Bureau, Director of the Home Affairs Bureau, Director of the Planning and Management Office
Director of Regional Cooperation Bureau, Regional Development Committee under the President
Ministry of Public Administration and Security Corporate Cooperation Support Officer
Administrative Governor of Chungcheongbuk-do
Director of the National Archives of Korea
First Vice Minister of the Ministry of Security and Public Administration (Acting Minister)
Chairman of the Prime Minister's Gambling Industry Integrated Supervision Committee
Member of the Presidential Local Autonomy Development Committee (Chairman of the Local Decentralization Subcommittee)
2016 ICA Seoul General Assembly Advisory Committee Chairman
Ministry of Public Administration and Security Local Administration Master Judge Chairman
Current) Senior Chairman of Korea Safety Leaders Forum
□ Special mentions (awards, awards, etc.)
1998. December Green Bird Distinguished Service Medal
2015. June: Imperial Military Service Medal